Monday, December 28, 2009

What I Got For Christmas...

well, hello.:) so here is a list of the things i got for christmas...

3.wii games
4. 2 pairs of shoes
5.a facebook:) including peppermint lipgloss!!:) gift cards
8.a board game(its called pictureka)
9.really cool coloring stuff
10.other things that i cant think of right now.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's the day before, the day before, the day before Christmas eve!!!

whoa. Christmas has come way to early for me. im just getting over summer!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Do you miss the way things use to be?no not really

Do you find it easier to forgive or forget?forgive

Are there any saved birthday cards in your bedroom?yes

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?lots

The last person you texted is the person a he or a she?a he

Think back to September, were you dating anyone?......

Purple or green grapes?both!

Could you go a day without eating?depends

Next time you’ll kiss someone?when i get married

Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years?i hope

Ever tackled someone to the ground? >:)

Do you need to say something to someone? i dont know

Ever cried until you threw up? no

Do you have a long term or short term memory? i dont remeber... ;)

Do you get freaked out when you’re in the dark?yes!!!!!!!

Looking back in time did you ever waste your time on a certain boy or girl? yes

Who did you copy this from? ally

Thursday, December 3, 2009


my parents put my dog down today while i was at school. im extremely sad and a little irritated. i never got to say goodbye. rest in peace, my sweet sweet doggy. she was one of a kind.


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