Saturday, August 22, 2009

16 days!!!!!!

oh my gosh. i am sooooo excited!!! its 16 days until school starts! so thats basically 2 weeks! my school starts sepetember 8th. the sad part though is that there isnt school on fridays:(. but oh well. ya so im super excited. i asked my friend if she knew anyone from there and she said yes theyre all super nice and they go to her youth group. ya so thats good. anyways i just wanted to tell ya that, see yaaaa!



Anonymous said...

Hey, My school starts on the same day!

raelyn:)) said...

cool! after labor day! dont wear white! haha lol.

Anonymous said...

Haha, or what will happen? i love white!

raelyn:)) said...

idk! ive just heard that people arent supposed to wear white after labor day. haha.


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