Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas! It's a little early but I'm grounded so ya! Well hope you have the best Christmas ever! Talk to you in a month! -Raelyn :)

Bad news... :(

Hey I have VERY bad news! I just recently got grounded for a month! :( That means I can't go on my blog for a month! :( I'm so sad! But it was my fault! The good news is... well... there isn't really any new good news except for Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a really good one! Well there isn't really anything else to say, but I want to make this the LONGEST post ever! Well I doubt I can do that. And about the 50 posts for the month, well ya that I failed. Oh well maybe next month or the month after... but that's next month and the month after, like 60 days!!! I guess I have to wait. I'm very sad! Well, this is hard to say but... see you in a month! Bye for a while! :( but I have to put a smiley since this is the last post for a month, so... :) bye! :( :)
3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Break! :( :)

Hey! I'm so happy but sad right now! Well because it's Christmas break and that means I can't see my friends for two weeks but the good thing is it means Christmas is almost here! 6 days! I'm so happy about that! The reason our Christmas break started early is because it was a snow day today and we don't even have to make u for it at the end of the year because our school has to much school days already! Well I have to go my computer is making this buzzing sound and I have to figure out what it is. Don't worry I'm going to get an adult! Bye! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My phone can't text for some reason!!!!! Well I won it at this fair and they just give you a phone with no information or anything and it had free text. It was supposed to go only for a month for fee texting but after that month it kept on going, and well now they got me! I'm VERY VERY VERY VERY sad! Well g2g bye!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Swimming! Such memories!

Hey! Well as you know I quit the swim team, which that sucks because I really liked it! Well I was just looking at some pics of my recent swim meet. It was in July, on my birthday weekend! It rocked but my mom didn't even make me a cake! Well it's over and done with now. The swim meet was 3 days long! Usually it's 1 or 2 but that time it was 3! We had to be there at 6 every morning because we had to warm up! When we weren't racing, warming up, or cheering someone on we were outside at the snack bar, water park, or running around in the empty kitty pool, which all those things were outside. So now I'm going to show you a couple of pics, I hope you like them...

My brother had tons of fun! JK!!!!!!!

That's me on the block! If you don't know what that is it's the thing you stand on and dive off of! It's always SOOOOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable because you have to bend down right in front of people to dive! But I got used to it!

On the left is my friend Elliott, me, and then Lacey.

This is me warming up! My friend, Lacy, is in the corner. We had to get in the pool at 6 or 7! I basically froze!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My goal for the month... :)

Hello!!!! I just wanted to tell you what my goal for this month is... I want to write 50 posts!!!!!!!!!! That will be really hard but if I post at least 2 times each day, I think I can accomplish it!!!!!! Maybe next month, If we accomplish this, I can try to do 100 posts!!!!!!!!! I dought it but never say never if you never try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I have to go now... Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy December!

Hi!!!! Happy December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am VERY excited for this month because it's the month of... Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE all the other holidays but I like Christmas the most!!!! What holiday do you like best??????????? Leave a comment with your answer again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I have to go get ready for bed because there is school tomorrow... Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Mommy... :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Hi!!! I couldn't find anything else to do!!! This post is to my mom!!! Because it is her birthday!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I got her a new hair dryer because her old one got stolen and my card I got her was SOOOOO funny!!!!! It said...

In the front:
Happy birthday mom! Thanks for the advice you've given me over the years...

Open it up and it said:
The few things I actually listened to have come in quite handy.

It was really funny!!! My brother took a HUGE risk!!!!! Luckily, my mom didn't kill him! JK! She would never kill him!!! I will show you what he got her...

On the envelope he wrote:
Lord please help me for what I am about to do
Ps. I still love you mom!!!

Then you take the card out it said:

It was so funny!!!! Then he got her another one that he didn't even sign, but at least it said mom instead of grandma. My sisters was to weird to explain but it was cool and my dads was ALOT of words on it but it was nice and sweet. Well I have to go eat the CHOCOLATE cake me and my sister made for her... BYE!!!!!! :):):)


Thanksgiving break is over :):(

Hey, as you all know Thanksgiving break is over. Today was the last day for everyone. Some people are excited, and some people are not. I'm both. I want to go because it's awesome and i have tons of friends but I don't want to go because of all the drama and bad stuff like that. It's weird!!!!!!!! Well I want to go do something because there is nothing to do today, and when I cant find anything to do I can just come back here and post a different thing... Bye!!! :):):)

Muffins!!!! :):):)

Hi-lo!!!! I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE muffins!!!!!!! I LOVE them SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the kind that I like... CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, and CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!! Thats basicly all the kinds that I like!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind do you like????????????? Post a comment with your answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya!!!!!!! :):):)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

BOOOOOOO ducks!!!!!!

I have NEVER liked ducks!!! The football team and the plain animal!!! And what happened tonight with the ducks and beavers game... BOOOOO!!!! Beavers are still WAY better!!! Sorry to the ducks fans out there but I am a true beavers fan!!! Well g2g ttyl!!!!

Ps: Beavers are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

I miss my stuff :(

The moment my dad told me my stuff was gone my mind instantly went to thinking about my ds and all my cute clothes. "Could this really be happening?" That's what I thought. It was and now my stuff is long gone in the garbage!!! Except for the expensive stuff, that stuff is with a different kid or still in the store. I miss my stuff SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! There is nothing to do now because everything is gone! All the good movies are gone, my library book is gone, and my ds is gone!!! There is nothing to do but text which (even I'm saying this, and I LOVE texting) it gets a little boring sometimes when that's all you do all day!!! It makes me so mad and sad!!! But all I can do is pray that we can find them. Which it doesn't really help but it does, it's weird. Like we haven't found them but I'm getting a little less angry and sad. Well I have to go now. Bye! :)

Friday, November 28, 2008

My trip... :)...:(

Hey-lo!!! I just wanted to tell you about my trip... First we went to my dads mom and dads, I had fun there. We only stayed for a little bit though. Grandma (my dads mom) you're the best cook!!!! So are you my other Grandma!!!! Then we went to go get family pictures with my moms side. It was VERY fun and everyone was so happy and excited. But then something happened that ruined my Thanksgiving. Our car got broken into. Me, my dad, my uncle, my sister, and my cousin left after pictures and went to my cousins house because none of us wanted to wait and wait and wait. So my dad got a phone call from my mom. First Jared's (my brother) stuff was missing at least it was the first one they noticed gone, then all my stuff was gone, then my moms stuff. But none of my dads stuff or my sisters stuff was stolen. But none of the windows were broken or anything so one of the doors must not of been locked and they didn't have time to get everything. Plus they didn't even steal my dads blackberry which was in the front cause they probably didn't have time to look but they stole everything else valuable including DVDs, my ds with 4 games, my brothers psp with all his games, and his wallet with his learners permit and everything. I just don't get why people do that kind of stuff. It makes me so angry!!! Do they realize that it's someone else's stuff?!!!! Like my ds was mine and I really liked it but they stole it then sold it to a store which another kid is going to get it! It makes me very angry and sad! And all my favorite clothes and my favorite shoes are in the garbage now cause they're big jerks and don't care about anyone else but themselves!!!!! Well I have to go my favorite show Monk is on and it's new, I bet that won't got stolen, so bye!!! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! :):):)

Hey everybody!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!! Well I have to go get ready because I have to drive to the valley today!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hi. I am sooooooooooooooooo bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well since there is nothing to talk about I am going to find something to do... Bye!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hi!!!!!!!! I like CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):)

Friday, November 21, 2008

My friends :)

Hi!!!! I just wanted to talk about all my bff's real fast... they are all soooooooo nice!!!! You guys rock!!!!!! Sometimes we get a little shakey but over the year we will get WAY better!!!! I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps. Tallie... you're not moving!!!!!!!!!!

Mandi :)

Hi! Well I just wanted to tell you about my 2 sisters... well I sopposed to have only one real sister but I have another one (I LOVE you Rachelle! I can't wait until you come back from your trip!) My other sister is Mandi. I've known her ever since she moved to my home town and I see her 6 days a week! She is my sister!!!! Well g2g see ya!!!

Ps. I love you both sooooo much!!!!! :)

Had a bad day... :(

Hello. I had a REALLY bad day today! I had ALOT a social problems and I was sick and stuffed up all day!!! So I'm sad right now. I think I'm going to pot "Had a bad day" By James Blunt on my playlist so I have to go... Bye!!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Random things.....

Chocolate, cheese, dogs, cats, hamsters, converse, hats, friends, texting, school, Jesus, books, sports, summer, snow, rain, blogging, and being HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I have to go now... bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Habbit :O

Hey! Well I just wanted to tell you my BIGGEST habbit. I just can't stop!!! Well it is TEXTING! Ever since I got my cell phone I just cant stop texting all of my friends! I'm only in 6th grade and you would think not that many people have cell phones but almost EVERYONE does!!! Well I was bored so I just wanted to tell you that. So I better go back to texting! See ya l8r! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My favorite things... :)

Hey-lo! I just wanted to share my favorite things that make me happy... a bright snowy morning, school, my sis, my bro, my mom, my dad, all of my cousins, all of my aunts, all of my uncles, my grandparents, my dog, my cats, swimming, sleepovers, b-day parties, field trips, converse, music, movies, sugar, books (all kinds), my friends, my teachers, candy (mostly chocolate), summer, a fall morning chilly with leaves on the ground, church, God, the Bible, youth group, texting, photography, babysitting, rain, all neon colors, cooking, family bonding time, and HYPERNESS!!!!!!!! :) Well those are all the things I can think of right now there are still ALOT of other things I just cant think of. Well I have to go now so see ya!!! :):):)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My cousin!!! :)

Hey! I just found out that my 4 year old cousin (she is a girl) has been looking at my blog! Her name is Emma and she is the cutest thing! So I want to talk to her for a little bit...

Hey Em!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your new D.S!!!!!!!! I am really looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving!!!!!!! I LOVE you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!! :):):):)

Ok, I absolutely love her so much!!! She is growing up to fast!!!!! Well I have to get ready for bed... Bye!!!!! Bye Emma!!!!!!! :):):):)

Veterans' Week!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hey peeps!!!! I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the veterans out there!!!! You guys are amazing!!!!! Remember God will be with you through thick and thin!!! My heart will also be with you!!!! Well thanks!!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My grades... :)

Hello! I am happy! I was sad cause I got taken off the swim team but that faded. The reason why I am happy is because I got a good report card. So I decided to share it with you...

Bible- A
Reading- A
Spelling- B+
Language Arts- A
Mathematics- B+
Social Studies- A
Science- A
Music- A
P.E- A

That is my report card! I am very pround of myself, but I could of done better. So I am still going to improve! This is my first year going to CCS and in the summer I thought I would fail. But when school started I changed my mind and had a different thought about it... I am going to get REALLY good grades this year. I guess the good thinking payed off! Well I g2g eat dinner so see ya! Bye! :)

Off the swim team... :(

I'm very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very VERY SAD!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents took me off the swim team!!! I LOVE to swim so I am VERY sad about that! Even though I am very sad about it I understand why I had to quit. I dont want to tell you why I had to quit because its kinda secret. But I had really good friends and I was VERY close to getting a state time and going to the state swim meet. Well there is still one good thing about today... tomorrow is school!!!!! I'm excited about that! Well g2g bye!!!!!!!!! (I'm still VERY sad!)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

HYPERNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

I'm HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to see HSM3! I don't know if it was good or not cause I was running around and talking with my bff Tallie the whole time! We were all alone in the theater with Tallies mom and brother. Me and Tallie sat in the way back by ourselves and we did the following:
We threw whoppers at the screen
We ran around and danced around the whole time
We went in front of the screen and acted out the parts
We acted like secret agents to put popcorn on Tallies little brother's head without him knowing
We were nerds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!!!! Then we prank called our friend Caleb saying "Happy birthday Bill!" Then we hung up! It was truly one of the funnest nights of my life! I'm still really HYPER!!!!!!!! That is why I'm posting this 10:00 at night! Well I have to try to go to bed so BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

HSM3... :(...:)

Howdy partners! How ya'll do'en?! JK!!!!! Ok today I am going to see High School Musical 3 with my friend. The reason why I put a frowny before my smiley on the main thing was because I absolutely despise that series of movies! Sorry to everyone who loves it but I think they're the stupidest movies in the world! Plus they all have the same meaning to it... the girl breaks up with the guy and then they get back together... BLAH BLAH BLAH! The reason why I'm going is because I want to hang with my bff Tallie (visit her blog and shes really nice so that will be fun. And thats the whole reason I'm going anyway. Oh and the popcorn! Well I'm genna go do something else... Bye!

No School.... Sigh :(

Hello I am really bored right now because there is no school because of parent techer conferences. We have a 4 day weekend today. Usual kids would think that is awesome but not like me. I LOVE school and I always hate it when we have long breaks. I am NOT looking forward to Christmas break for 2 resons... 1 is because I wont see my friends for 2 weeks and 2 is my bff is moving at Christmas. Her name is Tallie and she is the nicest person in the world! She has a blog and she is going to talk about her life when she moves and everything so you should read her blog. I put her on my blog list so you can just click on that. Well I want to go find something to do. Bye! :)...:(

Monday, November 3, 2008

Operation Christmas Child... :) :) :)

Hey peeps! Well I just have to tell you about something that happeneds every year. It's called Operation Christmas Child. So every year kids around America get a simple shoe box and put a couple of little gifts in there such as dolls, toy cars, or even flip flops (If you want to get flip flops buy them in a couple sizes bigger then the age you picked so it will fit the little girl or boy later.) Little gifts like those you just put in a shoe box and it can be a very nice present for kids in different Countries that are in need. But they have to be simple presents so that it can fit in a shoe box, and you have to choose if its a boy or a girl and its age. So say I chose a 6 year old girl. I can put a little doll in there, flip flops, a hair brush, a toothbrush, tooth paste, crayons, a little coloring book, a couple cool hair things like headbands or something, and maybe a little bit of candy like jolley ranchers. That is basicly all you need to do and then that box will make it thousands of miles away and be given to a little girl in need. Some things you shouldn't pack are things that melt or can break and spill like chocolate or snow globes because it would make the whole box un-usable. And you have to make a box at least before Thanksgiving because the boxes need to shiped all around the world. So I just wanted to tell you about Operation Christmas Child because it's a easy way to help the kids in need and make them feel happy and special. Well I have to go now... Bye! :) :) :) :) :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My awesome picture..... :)

Hey! It is morning on a Saturday so I am really bored again. I just wanted to show you the awesome picture I took a couple days ago. I don't know about you but I think it is amazing!!! I want to be a famous wild life photographer when I grow up. This picture doesn't have any wild life in it but at least its outside. Plus I'm only 11 I don't think I am going to take pics of lions and cheetahs.... yet! So post a comment and tell me what you think of my pic and you don't have to lie if you dont like it so be cruel.... that is if you don't like it. Well g2g.... bye! :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween..... :O... :)...:(

Hey what up? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Did that scare you? Probably not but still! I dont get to go trick or treating!!! :( I'm really sad about that because if I did go I would of gone with 2 really good friends of mine.... Dakota and Caleb. Their both boys but they're like my brothers. I'm sad!!!! I would have been a beat up person if I did go but NO!!! I cant go!!! Well I said I would play rummikub with my sister so I have to go..... bye! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Did that scare you now?...... leave a comment! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Teddy!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Teddy is alright!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) He was at school today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Hello! Sorry I am just really HAPPY and RELIEVED that Teddy is alright! I'm not just happy I'm SOOOO happy! Not just because of that but because something else happened to me that's about my family but you don't need to know that. I'm having a perfect day today!!! YAY!!!!!!! :) I'm really crazy today too! Well I have to go do some more homework...... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Basketball :0..... :)

Hello! I am really bored again. So....... our school is doing 6th grade girls basketball!!!!! I'm so excited!!! Well one is you get to hang out with your friends at practice and at games and two is you get out of school early for games!!! It's going to be awesome!! The only bad news is that I can't swim while I'm doing basketball. But I can always take a few months off of swimming. I haven't heard about Teddy's news for a while so still be praying for him. Well I got to go.... bye!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Golf :)

Hey-lo! As you can see I am still really bored and it is still Wednesday night. So I was looking at some picture's on my computer and I found some of the funniest picture's! Before I can tell you what the picture's are, I need to tell you a quick story.... Well during the summer me, my brother, and my sister took golf lessons. So the picture on the top, yeah thats me. It was supposed to turn out better because if you look really close you will see the golf ball about 7 feet ahead of me. I am such a bad golfer! But I think its fun thats why I do it. The second picture on the bottom is starting from the left... My brother Jared, me, my friend Katrina, and my sister Rachelle. My mom took that picture when we were walking to the next hole. Well I hope you enjoyed my little golf story. Now I have to go to Bye! :)


Hello..... sigh. I am really bored right now because I have no homework tonight. The reason why I dont have any homework is because on Wednesday's (which is today) most kids have church or youth group tonight. My church doesn't have church or youth group on Wednesday's. We (my church) doesn't have any church on Wednesday's I dont know why and we have youth group right after church. The really sucky part is I'm the only one in my class that goes to my church.......... UGH!!!! I'm am so bored! I'm am just typing talking about nothing!! Well I don't have to go now but i'm going to find something to do so..... bye!! :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Teddy is Ok!!!!! :) :) :)

Hello...... YAY!!!!:) :) :) :) Sorry I couldn't hold it in. Anyways I went to school today like normal and after school in the car pool line I saw................. Teddy! He is OK!!! I didn't actually see his eye because he was wearing sun glasses but my sister saw it and she said that it didn't look as bad as everyone thought it would look. His eye is healing quickly. His eye is just very sensitive to the light and he said it hurts quite often. But the bad news is there is still a little chance that he might go blind. So still don't forget to say a prayer for Teddy tonight. That was all I wanted to say. I just wanted you to be updated on Teddy. Well I have to go.... bye! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pray for Teddy :)

Hey my peeping peepers! Well I just wanted to tell you something that happened to a friend of my sisters.... Once upon a time there was a boy- Just kidding. Well my sisters friend, Teddy, was driving home from Hood River when there was a semi driving into the other direction. Then the semi truck ran over a rock which made it fly up into the air. I do not know how big the rock was but it must of been big because it flew and hit the car's windshield. The windshield shattered to pieces. Either a piece of glass or a piece of rock got stuck in his eye so now he might be blind in that eye. It must of been really bad because he was in the back seat and that happened to him. Luckily he was the only one who was badly hurt the rest of his family was ok. But Teddy might be blind in one eye and injured for life so make sure to pray for Teddy when you go to bed tonight. That's all I wanted to say well bye! :)

Swimming :) :)

Hey peeps! I haven't talked to you in like FOREVER!!! The reason why is because I'm have school and tons of homework. It sucks! Now I'm about to join the swim team which that will make me even more busy. I was already on the swim team for a long time but the I decided to take a break for a little bit. I can't wait! I'm kinda sad cause I can't talk to you that much but I have so much good friends there. I will name them all for you.... Justine, Lacy, Elliott, Owen, Jacob, and Jenny. I might have forgotten a couple people so sorry. Well I have to go do more homework well Bye!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Friends :) :) :)

Hi! I was really bored so this was all I could do because I finished my homework. If I didn't tell you already I go to Central Christian Schools (CCS). It is my first year going there because I have been home schooled all my life. I LOVE it!!!! It is so much fun!!! Both the school and the social stuff. I have so many good friends now. I will name them.... Ally (visit her blog, Aleksei, Adrian, Aiden, Caleb Reynolds, Cassey, Chelsea (Happy b-day!!), Dakota, Tallie, Ryan, Chase, Dylan, and Virginia. They are all such good friends in my class! Well I have to go get ready for bed.... Bye!!! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Church :) :) :) :)

Hello. I just got back from church. I LOVE church. Just hanging with your friends learning about God. It's Awesome! The sucky part today was there was no youth group. I am not going to tell you the reason why there wasn't any youth group because it's kinda personal info you dont need to know about. Thats all I wanted to say....... Bye!! :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My family :)

Hi. Since I am a new blogger I thought I should tell you about my family and my pets so you can get to know me better. I have a dad named Rodney, a mom named Juliene, a sister named Rachelle (Be sure to visit her blog,, and a brother named Jared. That is all the information I am going to give out about my family. But I will tell you lots of things about my pets. I have one dog, two cats, and two hamsters. Our dog is named One because my brother named her when he was 3. Our cats our named EeEe (left) and DeDe
because our cats names are letters (we already had AaAa, BeBe, And CeCe). Our hamsters are named Babyruth and Twix-y because there names are candy bars. So our dogs are numbers, our cats are letters, and our hamsters are candy bars. It's kind of weird but cool in the same way. Thats all I wanted to say. Bye! :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm on a SUGAR rush!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Hello! I am so happy right now!!!!!!!!!!! My sister had these sour apple candy things that I pigged out on. Which that probably wasn't a very good idea because now I cant go to sleep! That is why I'm posting this at 10:30 pm. Now I am going to find more sour apple candies.............
Bye!!!! :) :) :)


Me, my sister Rachelle (take a look at her blog, and my friend Mandi (Take a look at her blog too were hanging out and we were bored. Then Mandi said I should prank call her friend Samantha............... Well, I said I would so I called Sams home phone and no one answered. So I left a message. I said "Hi, Bill....." And then hung up because I had to laugh really hard. Now I feel really bad. Sorry Samantha! Bye!!!!! :)

My Blog

Hi! I am so excited! I love having a blog like this it is so much fun! So if you have anything to say PLEASE post a comment!!!!!!!!! If you are into school, swimming, and music I think you'll like my blog. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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