Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas! It's a little early but I'm grounded so ya! Well hope you have the best Christmas ever! Talk to you in a month! -Raelyn :)

Bad news... :(

Hey I have VERY bad news! I just recently got grounded for a month! :( That means I can't go on my blog for a month! :( I'm so sad! But it was my fault! The good news is... well... there isn't really any new good news except for Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a really good one! Well there isn't really anything else to say, but I want to make this the LONGEST post ever! Well I doubt I can do that. And about the 50 posts for the month, well ya that I failed. Oh well maybe next month or the month after... but that's next month and the month after, like 60 days!!! I guess I have to wait. I'm very sad! Well, this is hard to say but... see you in a month! Bye for a while! :( but I have to put a smiley since this is the last post for a month, so... :) bye! :( :)
3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Break! :( :)

Hey! I'm so happy but sad right now! Well because it's Christmas break and that means I can't see my friends for two weeks but the good thing is it means Christmas is almost here! 6 days! I'm so happy about that! The reason our Christmas break started early is because it was a snow day today and we don't even have to make u for it at the end of the year because our school has to much school days already! Well I have to go my computer is making this buzzing sound and I have to figure out what it is. Don't worry I'm going to get an adult! Bye! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My phone can't text for some reason!!!!! Well I won it at this fair and they just give you a phone with no information or anything and it had free text. It was supposed to go only for a month for fee texting but after that month it kept on going, and well now they got me! I'm VERY VERY VERY VERY sad! Well g2g bye!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Swimming! Such memories!

Hey! Well as you know I quit the swim team, which that sucks because I really liked it! Well I was just looking at some pics of my recent swim meet. It was in July, on my birthday weekend! It rocked but my mom didn't even make me a cake! Well it's over and done with now. The swim meet was 3 days long! Usually it's 1 or 2 but that time it was 3! We had to be there at 6 every morning because we had to warm up! When we weren't racing, warming up, or cheering someone on we were outside at the snack bar, water park, or running around in the empty kitty pool, which all those things were outside. So now I'm going to show you a couple of pics, I hope you like them...

My brother had tons of fun! JK!!!!!!!

That's me on the block! If you don't know what that is it's the thing you stand on and dive off of! It's always SOOOOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable because you have to bend down right in front of people to dive! But I got used to it!

On the left is my friend Elliott, me, and then Lacey.

This is me warming up! My friend, Lacy, is in the corner. We had to get in the pool at 6 or 7! I basically froze!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My goal for the month... :)

Hello!!!! I just wanted to tell you what my goal for this month is... I want to write 50 posts!!!!!!!!!! That will be really hard but if I post at least 2 times each day, I think I can accomplish it!!!!!! Maybe next month, If we accomplish this, I can try to do 100 posts!!!!!!!!! I dought it but never say never if you never try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I have to go now... Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy December!

Hi!!!! Happy December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am VERY excited for this month because it's the month of... Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE all the other holidays but I like Christmas the most!!!! What holiday do you like best??????????? Leave a comment with your answer again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I have to go get ready for bed because there is school tomorrow... Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)


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