Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Snowshoeing... story!!! :):):)
So today our class went snowshoeing!!! It was VERY cold, and FUN!!! We were hiking up very high, in the shade, and I couldn't talk because my face was numb!!! But then everyone went back, and there was this really cool cafeteria (but it did look like a hospital), and I bought chilly fries to warm me up!!! MMMMMMM!!! Oh, we also had water and I had grapes, so we made grape and water martines!!! It was funny!!! Well after that we had about an hour to play outside, and mostly everyone went outside and we found this steep hill, and our friend Chase made a path for us and it was so slippery that we could just slide down!!! It was so much fun!!! I wish Tallie could come, but she didn't. I was sad about that. We tried to call her on the way back but she didn't answer. Well I better go. I have to go to my sisters choir concert. AHHHHHHHH!!! Well better go bye!!! :):):)
PS. I wish Tallie could have come!!! :):):)
PS. I wish Tallie could have come!!! :):):)
Snow Shoeing!!! :):):)
Hey!!! Good morning!!! Today our class is going snow shoeing!!! It's where you were those tennis racket thingys on your feet!!! We're going ALL day!!! I'm so excited!!! The good thing is our class is going for free!!! Well I have to go to school now... Bye!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hey!!! Well I woke up today and there was about a inch of snow on the ground!!! So I got ready for the day and went to church, now there is about 3!!! It's still snowing!!! I'm happy there is snow, but I hope it disappears in about 48 hours. Because last time it snowed, which wasn't long ago, it stayed for 2 weeks!!! And it was all dirty and just causing problems!!! Snows pretty for like 2 days, but anymore than that... it sucks!!! Well I better go... bye!!! :):):)- Raelyn
P.s- my favorite number is 3 so that's why I put everything in three!!! :):):)
P.s- my favorite number is 3 so that's why I put everything in three!!! :):):)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hey-lo!!! So my school started basketball season a couple weeks ago, and it has been so fun!!! Thursday, we had a game against Sisters. We lost 39 to 4. It doesn't really matter because we had LOTS of fun!!! My Mom took a couple pics of me. I'm number 30...
It may look like I'm not being very active in this picture, but I was, my Mom just caught me for like 2 seconds of me standing there.
It may look like I'm not being very active in this picture, but I was, my Mom just caught me for like 2 seconds of me standing there.
I was trying to steal a pass in this picture.
Snickers!!! :)
Snickers was the best hamster ever!!! I had him for a long time, about 2 years. He was SOOOO fluffy, cute, and nice. I trained him very well, because he would always climb on my hand and play with me. I got him for my 8th birthday. When he got older he got really sick. His eye started to bleed everyday. When I would clean out his cage I
would see blood everywhere. Then one day he wouldn't wake up. A couple hours before on that same day he was running on his wheel, so I know he just went to sleep and never woke up. It was sad but I got over it. The first picture of him was when I was playing with him. He blends in pretty well. The second pic is him running in his ball, EeEe followed him around everywhere!!! Snickers would just run into him a lot and EeEe would eventually walk away because he didn't like it. My brother's friend Marcus was watching snickers, while he was over for the day. Marcus loved snickers. So did I. Well that's the story of snickers. Better go! Bye!!! :):):)

would see blood everywhere. Then one day he wouldn't wake up. A couple hours before on that same day he was running on his wheel, so I know he just went to sleep and never woke up. It was sad but I got over it. The first picture of him was when I was playing with him. He blends in pretty well. The second pic is him running in his ball, EeEe followed him around everywhere!!! Snickers would just run into him a lot and EeEe would eventually walk away because he didn't like it. My brother's friend Marcus was watching snickers, while he was over for the day. Marcus loved snickers. So did I. Well that's the story of snickers. Better go! Bye!!! :):):)
My hamsters :(
Hey. Well as you know or didn't know I used to have 2 hamsters, named baby-ruth and twix-y. Well they weren't the best hamsters ever because one was bald and very mean. The other one was nice and cute. Well when I was grounded, the mean one (baby-ruth) ate the other one (twix-y.) It was GROSS!!! I was going to clean there cage and they were both sleeping in there bedding. So I had to wake them up. First baby-ruth came out, then I kept on waiting and moving the cage a little bit to wake twix-y up. I knew something was wrong because twix-y was usually the first one out. So I took most of the bedding and moved it to the other side of the cage, then I saw twix-y. Or half of twix-y, I should say. She was half eaten and all blooding. It was the most disgusting thing in the world. So then I had to make a choice. Should I keep baby-ruth or not??? I spent an hour thinking about it. I don't like to kill any kind of pet, but since she ate another one of her species I knew she was mentally sick and just sick, because she was bald. I let her go. It was all snowy outside, so I knew when I let her go, a couple hours later she would die. I didn't want to see baby-ruth anymore, so my dad took her outside and let her go. What would you do??? Would you let her live while suffering, or let her die outside??? I chose to let her die. She was suffering anyways. I finally forgot about it. The reason why I wanted to tell you this story was because I was in my garage this morning and I saw there cage with everything in it. Before I had baby-ruth and twix-y I had snickers. I'll tell you about him next... Bye!!! :):):)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tallie!!! :)
Hey Tallie!!! I miss you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! I can't believe you're gone!!! Why did you have to move? Well how is your new school going? How is everything??? Have you made any friends as GREAT as me??? Just kidding!!! :) Well I better go... bye!!! :):):)
Ps: Chikeetos!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! :):):)
Ps: Chikeetos!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! :):):)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
HEY!!! It has been forever since I posted!!! Actually a month!!! Well how was ur Christmas and ur new year??? My Christmas was GGGRRReat!!! I got a wii and a camera! I also am aloud to wear makeup now!!! I got alot of new converse, and tons of clothes. It was one of the best Christmas's ever!!! I didn't get a phone like I wanted but I don't care anymore. My new year was plain boring, I mean the celebration because my dad and my brother had to work. But my new year NOT celebration has been doing good, except drama has been really bad. Yesterday it was my brothers birthday. He turned 16!!! I'm VERY scared because soon he's going to drive!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Well how has everyone been lately??? I want to know because I haven't been around lately. Well I have to go, I don't really have to go but I want to do a couple other things. Bye!!! :):):)- Raelyn
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