hello! so i just got back from our annual once a year camping trip with my moms side of the family. this year we went down to our private family owned really big river area down in jefferson in the valley. it was really fun. i havent been there in about 5 years so it was cool to be there again. i love that place. so i got some really good pics of the river and everything. i got some really good pics of the sunset with rachelles camera but i cant download them yet so i will later. oh and if you want to see them bigger just click on the pic. ya so if you want can you plz tell me if you like them or not. but you dont have to if you dont want to. i want to become a photographer when i grow up so it would be nice to see what other ppl think of them. ya so here they are... my grandma with her new puppy, pugsly.

this is one of my favs, i love the colors and everything.
a water pic, kinda.
pugsly found a cup...
me and pugsly

i like how the weed draws your eye to it.

the same with this one.

these were pretty, i thought.

this one is one of my favs too. i love the leaf, and how it shows the water.

mmm, grandmas home made blackberry cobler!
this is where the rapids were.

i love the reflection in this one.

this one looked cool.

i got really cool pics of the fire.

this one is even better. one of my top favorites.

i like the center rock that draws your attention.

the sky was really cool the first day.

i love this one of the woods.
WOW rae ur AMAZING and i mean it u know i dont lie.my aunt is a profetional( i think i spelt that wrong what ever) photographer and so if u really want to be come really good like her go to her website and just look at the pics u might get more ideas on if this is really what u want to do. but so far u r really good so please go to her site u could really make good money going this her web sit is chellenicolephotography.com
thank you!!!!!
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